Office at Hodgins-Berardo Rec Center (218) 245-3525
Open Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
200 Curley Ave. Coleraine, Minnesota (P.O. Box 519) 55722

200 Curley Avenue Coler

Open M

Ice Figure Skating


Greenway Emerald

Ice Figure Skating Club




Phone of President Susan Kilduff: (218) 244-7940


 Club's facebook:  emeraldicefigureskatingclub


Remind App:  Text 81010 with code @emeraldice


Club's email:


Club's postal address: Box 664, Coleraine MN 55722


Club's drop-off box: slot in entrance of the arena.


PLACE YOUR AD IN THE ANNUAL SHOW PROGRAM (same form & price as 2020)

Slot in door at arena to submit document.

About the Club

Our Mission


 EIFSC strives to meet the needs of each skater. 

It is our goal to provide a skating environment that fosters both recreational and competitive skating and to promote skating as a lifelong sport.


Our Board

The EIFSC Board meets on the

second Sunday of every month, 6 pm at the Arena.

Meetings are open to all and

club members are encouraged to attend.



President: Susan Kilduff 218-244-7940

Vice President: Emily Major 218-290-5376

Secretary: Brittany Pittack

Treasurer: Robbi Hansen 218-259-7631

Test Chair: Emily Major 218-290-5376

Board Member: Angie Thoennes 218-259-7185

Board Member: vacant

Head Coach:  Lisa Kangas  218-256-4667

Arena Director: Pat Guyer 218-245-3525


Volunteerism is Required

SIGN UP:  Volunteers are needed throughout the year and depended on for the club to be successful.  There are sign-up sheets for these Event Committees: Spring Ice Show, Test Session, Fall Fundraisers, Concession Stand, and more, such as National Skating Month, and Costume Hand Out.




Each family must raise at least $50 with the sales, or just pay $50.  Sales are in Oct-November.



Working at concessions gains the program money.



The spring show is the biggest fundraiser held in March.


About Skating

Season Begins in Mid-October; Ends in Mid-March


Greenway Rec ice figure skating is for girls and boys

ages 3 (potty trained) to 18. 


Skaters are NOT limited to a geographic or school district area.


The program includes group and individual lessons during winter.


Group lessons take place at the Hodgins-Berardo Arena on Sunday and Monday evenings, and Wednesday and Saturday mornings, from mid-October through mid-March.


Costs range from $60 (Tiny tots) to $160 (Seniors); fees are double for skaters not in ISD #316.  Show costumes are $55.


Skating Fun Day

This is the final day of skating before show practice starts. 

Popcorn and hot chocolate are provided and badges for the year are passed out. Skaters are invited to bring a friend. 


Annual Show

At the culmination of each skating season, club members showcase their learned skills in an annual ice show. 


Show Solo Requirements

Seniors automatically get solo.  Solos are selected based on the skaters MIF and Freeskate levels.  Highest levels get option at solo.  Skaters can opt out and do a duo if preferred. 

The number of solos will vary every year, based on the amount of Basic Skills and Junior Club groups. 


Annual Meeting

This meeting is a combined awards meeting for the skaters and a fiscal board meeting for all parents and EIFSC board members.

All skaters present are acknowledged by highlighting their accomplishments.


Summer School

An Ice figure skating school is held in June.




Tiny Tots, Basic Skills, and Freeskate (pdf)

Junior and Senior (pdf)


U.S. Figure Skating

 Competiton Manual (pdf; 39 pgs.)