About Greenway Sports Complex

The Greenway Sports Complex Has Three Fields.

Jen Guyer Field and CW3 Phil Windorski Field are used for fastpitch, squirts tournaments, and "little" leagues. 

The third field, and largest, is used by junior boys ages 13-14 and middle school boys baseball.

A building for concessions and with restrooms is centered between the fields. 

A batting cage, and storage/pumphouse for the irrigation system is located north of the concession building.

Community Fundraising

Greenway Fastpitch Booster Club

The club has conducted many fundraisers and contributed to the scoreboards, roofs for the dugouts, signage, a batting cage, and contributed toward the irrigation pump house that has storage space for equipment.

Beefy Lawson Memorial Fund

Provided a grant for the electronic scoreboards, and a large gas grill for concession.

Jen Guyer Memorial Fund

This fund provided dust screens for the dugouts at the Jen Guyer Field.

Greenway Area Community Fund

The expense of purchasing a sound system was covered completely by this fund. The speakers were installed on the concession building to broadcast for all fields.

Jen Guyer Field

Outfield Advertising Banners: 

This is an opportunity to invest in a 8 ft by 3 ft piece of advertising in a key location. These ads will be printed on a high-quality banner and hung on our outfield fence to be seen by thousands of people during our spring and summer ball seasons. 

The banners will be stored away carefully during the winter months while the fields aren't in use and then put back up again in the spring.

Several plans are offered starting at $250

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