EIFSC - Emerald Ice Figure Skating Club

Our Mission
EIFSC strives to meet the needs of each skater.
It is our goal to provide a skating environment that fosters both recreational and competitive skating and to promote skating as a lifelong sport.
Our Board
The EIFSC Board meets on the
second Sunday of every month, 6 pm at the Arena.
Meetings are open to all and
club members are encouraged to attend.
2024 - 2025 OFFICERS
President: Susan Kilduff 218-244-7940
Vice President: Emily Major 218-290-5376
Secretary: Brittany Pittack
Treasurer: Cressy Krebs
Test Chair: Emily Major 218-290-5376
Head Coach: Lisa Kangas 218-256-4667
Arena Director: Pat Guyer 218-245-3525
Volunteerism is Required
SIGN UP: Volunteers are needed throughout the year and depended on for the club to be successful. There are sign-up sheets for these Event Committees: Spring Ice Show, Test Session, Fall Fundraisers, Concession Stand, and more, such as National Skating Month, and Costume Hand Out.
- BUTTER BRAID SALE AND MN BRANDS FOR GOOD. Each family must raise at least $50 with the sales, or just pay $50. Sales are in Oct-November.
- CONCESSION STAND. Working at concessions gains the program money.
- ANNUAL SPRING SHOW. The spring show is the biggest fundraiser held in March.
Greenway Emerald
Ice Figure Skating Club
Phone of President Susan Kilduff: (218) 244-7940
Club's facebook: emeraldicefigureskatingclub
Remind App: Text 81010 with code @emeraldice
Club's email: emeraldicefsc@gmail.com
Club's postal address: Box 664, Coleraine MN 55722
Club's drop-off box: slot in entrance of the arena.