Squirt A
Grafton/Park River (Grand
ICON Sports Center
Hermantown @ Hibbing Tour
Bantam B1
Fairground Arena
Seed #8
Seed #1
Greenway Arena
PeeWee B
Hermantown Gold
4309 Ugstad Rd
Seed #7
Seed #2
Greenway Arena
Tomorrow - 8:15am
Squirt A
Minot (Grand Forks Tourna
Purpur Arena and Gambucci Arena
Tomorrow - 8:30am
Seed #6
Seed #3
Greenway Arena
Tomorrow - 9:15am
Bantam B1
Hibbing Memorial Arena
Tomorrow - 10:00am
Seed #5
Seed #4
Greenway Arena
Tomorrow - 10:45am
PeeWee B
Albert Lea
Tomorrow - 11:30am
Fort Frances
PeeWee A
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
Tomorrow - 1:45pm
Squirt B
Rock Ridge Black
Tomorrow - 2:00pm
St. Paul Johnson
GHS Hockey
Greenway Arena Arena
Tomorrow - 3:00pm
Winner 1-4
Winner 1-1
Greenway Arena
Tomorrow - 4:30pm
Fort Frances
PeeWee A
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
Tomorrow - 6:30pm
St. Louis Park @ Hibbing
Bantam B1
Chisholm City Sports Arena
Tomorrow - 6:30pm
Duluth Marshall JV
GHS Hockey
Greenway Arena Arena
Tomorrow - 7:00pm
PeeWee B
Duluth East
Sunday - TBD
Bantam B1
Hibbing Tournament
Sunday - TBD
Squirt A
Grand Forks
Sunday - TBD
PeeWee B
Hermantown Tournament
Sunday - 10:00am
Winner 1-3
Winner 1-2
Greenway Arena
Sunday - 11:00am
10u A Orono
Lightning Girls
Greenway Arena Arena
Sunday - 11:30am
Winner 2-2
Winner 2-1
Greenway Arena
Sunday - 1:00pm
Hibbing Chisholm Navy
Mite 1-2 Green
Greenway Arena Arena
Sunday - 1:00pm
Hibbing scrimmage
Mite 1-2 White
Greenway Arena Arena
Sunday - 1:00pm
Hibbing/ Chisholm White
Mite 1-2 White
Hodgins- Berardo Arena
Sunday - 1:35pm
Hibbing/ Chisholm Navy
Mite 1-2 White
Hodgins- Berardo Arena
Sunday - 1:35pm
Hibbbin Chisholm Red
Mite 1-2 Green
Sunday - 2:25pm
Hibbing/ Chisholm Red
Mite 1-2 White
Hodgins- Berardo Arena
Sunday - 2:25pm
Hibbing Chisholm White
Mite 1-2 Green
Sunday - 3:00pm
PeeWee A
St. Luke's Sports & Event Center
Sunday - 3:30pm
Squirt B
Rock Ridge Green
Tuesday - 5:45pm
Grand Rapids Orange
PeeWee B
Greenway Arena
Tuesday - 5:45pm
Grand Rapids Orange
PeeWee B
Greenway Arena Arena
Friday - 1:00pm
Thief River Falls
GHS Hockey
Greenway Arena Arena
Friday - 7:00pm
Squirt A
Grafton Park River (Rose
Roseau Memorial Arena
Friday - 7:00pm
Squirt A
Grafton Park River (Rosea
Roseau Memorial Arena
1/25 - 10:00am
GHS Hockey
Greenway Arena Arena
1/25 - 11:00am
Rock Ridge Green
PeeWee B
Greenway Arena
1/25 - 11:00am
Squirt A
Fargo (Roseau Tournament)
Roseau Memorial Arena
1/25 - 3:00pm
PeeWee A
Rock Ridge
Iron Trail Motors Event Center
1/25 - 3:00pm
Mesabi East
Squirt B
Greenway Arena Arena
1/25 - 4:30pm
Rock Ridge Green
PeeWee B
Greenway Arena Arena
1/25 - 6:15pm
Bantam B1
Greenway Arena Arena
1/25 - 7:00pm
Squirt A
Bismarck (Roseau Tourname
Roseau Memorial Arena
1/26 - TBD
Squirt A
1/26 - 10:00am
Mite 3-4 Green
Hibbing White
Fairground Arena
1/26 - 11:00am
Squirt B
Greenway Joint Recreation Association
1/26 - 11:00am
Squirt B
Greenway Arena Arena

Hodgins-Berardo Recreation Center & Greenway Sports Complex

Driving Directions:

Hodgins-Berardo Arena is located at 200 Curley Ave, Coleraine, MN 55722. It is on the west side of Highway 169. Exit Highway 169 at the intersection across from the Coleraine 1st National Bank.

Greenway Sports Complex is located at 700 1st Street, Bovey, MN 55709. Follow Hwy.169 and turn off north to Bovey (directional signs are clear); follow 2nd Ave to 2nd Street (E-W), the main thoroughfare. Turn north at the Sports Complex sign at 7th Ave.

FOLLOW Greenway Joint Recreation Association

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