GJRA Monthly Board Highlights
The Board of Greenway Joint Recreation Association meets monthly on third Mondays, 7 pm, at the arena. The new year and new season begins on August 1st. The public is welcome to attend.


- The annual figuring skating show will be held the weekend of March 15; the ice will be removed on March 16.
- GAHA hosted successful the Bantam A North Regional tournament.
- Steps have been implemented, and more to come, to align GJRA with the state's audit guidelines. CPA Koehn has submitted the first state report. Budget adjustments will have to be made to incorporate the expense of an annual audit.
- Quotes are still coming, and a decision on how to upgrade the entryway doors is an action item on the future agenda.
- The Hockey, Figure Skating, and Basketball programs are in high gear, and successful.
- The Dryland Training room and hockey shooting set up are in full use.
- The Board is proceeding with Audit recommendations and received a 45 day extension for submittal.
- The Director and maintenance team are exploring more options for improving the entryway doors and at grant qualification.
The meeting was brief:
- Reviewed Audit process and options.
- Reported that all unused exercise equipment had been sold.
- Listened to GAHA's exploration of an outdoor rink; not feasible.
- Basketball practice starts for grades 1-2.
- The newly remodeled area for hockey shoot training is in regular use.
- To cover staff on weekends and miscellaneous tasks, three part-time workers have been hired: Mike Westlake, Thomas Vekich, and Doug Cogswell.
- To conduct an annual audit, the GJRA board hired Brian Koehn, CPA.

October 2024
- Dryland Hockey Training Station (photo above) is usable, albeit reservations are not ready yet as the space needs to be staffed. Most of the previous exercise equipment has been sold. The rubberized flooring has been installed.
- Updates to the lighting have qualified the building for a electricity rebate and savings over $2000.
- Replacement of the rounded portion of the roof has been completely paid off; funds were from savings, a IRRRB grant, and a $30,000 contribution from Greenway Amateur Hockey Association.
- Flag football had a competitive season. With the new online registration system, next year the program aims to begin earlier and have a longer season.
- Hockey registrations currently total 123 players: 55 mini/mites; 27 squirts; 27 peewees; and 14 Bantams. Note that 9th graders have been moved up to Junior Varsity resulting in a lower number for Bantams.
- Basketball registrations currently total 70 players of both girls and boys: 5/1st graders; 12/2nd graders; 17/3rd graders making 2 teams; 17/4th graders making 2 teams; 8/5th graders for 1 team; and 11/6th graders.
- Figure Skating registrations exceed pre-COVID numbers: 113.
September 2024
NEW EMAIL Pat's email is now GreenwayJointRecAssn@gmail.com
- Flag football is in season and has 35 players.
- All registrations for future programs will be online with the new sports management system, Crossbar. GJRA, Greenway Amateur Hockey Association, and Emerald Ice Figure Skating Club are all on one website. Next spring, when all programs have transitioned to Crossbar, this dual platform will be discontinued.
- Basketball registration is now open
GREENWAY SPORTS COMPLEX A final treatment of Green Again has been applied, and everything has been closed up for the season.
- Stained ceiling tiles from the previous leaky roof, have been replaced.
- Items have been ordered for this project: dryland hockey training stations are underway. This project includes transforming the fitness room to a specifically designed station for practice shooting. Skates may be worn, and the experience simulates actual rink time. The other back room will be installed with rubberized flooring to cushion workouts. It is anticipated that the usage of that space in the building will be increase 30 times. GJRA is in partnership with GAHA for the expenses.
OTHER BUSINESS GJRA is under advisement to conduct annual audit procedures, versus annual financial reviews or biennial audits.
August 2024
- Squirts baseball champions were from Lone Pine.
- All fastpitch teams finished the season.
- All registrations for future programs will be online with the new sports management system, Crossbar.
- Flag football and hockey are open for registrations.
- Basketball will begin earlier this year.
The Greenway Area Community Foundation contributed $2000, the cost to purchase 2 height adjustable (and portable) basketball hoops. The hoops will serve youth in training.
- Roof replacement was completed;
- Flooring in locker room was completed;
- Re-organization of storage was completed;
- Rental for rollerskating completed its season.
- Developing dryland hockey training stations are underway. This project includes transforming the fitness room to a specifically designed station for practice shooting. Skates may be worn, and the experience simulates actual rink time. The other back room will be installed with rubberized flooring to cushion workouts. It is anticipated that the usage of that space in the building will be increase 30 times. GJRA is in partnership with GAHA for the expenses.
ELECTION (fiscal year is Aug 1 - July 31)
- Brian Eckholm of Nashwauk township is the president; Dan Strand of Calumet is the vice-chair.
- Paula Schwartz is representing Taconite.
- The budget was adopted at $561,000. Two changes were made: electricity upped from $93,350 to $120,000, and increased by 10,000 the capital outlay savings fund.
- The levy was set at $380,000.